10/4/2005 Discounted services and free Union Plus benefits from Union Privilege - the union consumer benefits organization created by the AFL-CIO.
As a member of IAM you don't have to join Union Plus or Union Privilege to receive the free benefits listed below. As a member of an AFL-CIO union, you and your family are automatically eligible for our benefits. Read below to discover all your free benefits from Union Plus. (Note: While most unions participate in the majority of Union Plus benefit programs, some unions elect not to offer all the programs to its members.)
Are you a member of IAM? If not, click here to log out.
Money & Credit
Credit Cards
Union-Made Checks
Credit Counseling
Your Credit Score
Insurance Deals
Auto Insurance
Pet Insurance
Health & Well Being
Health Club Discounts
Health Savings
Education Services
Auto Advantages
Auto Buying Service
Goodyear Tire & Service Discount
House & Home Mortgage & Real Estate
Moving Discount
Home Heating Oil Discounts
Pet Savings
Legal Service
Flower Discount
Powell's Bookstore
Travel & Recreation
Bahamas Getaways
Entertainment Discounts
Car Rental Discounts
Disney Hotel Discount
Worldwide Vacation Tours
Computers & Tech
Dell Computer Discounts
IBM Discounts
Cingular Wireless Discount
Internet Service Discount
Visit IAM's web site at: http://www.goiam.org
Just as unions provide strength in the workplace, Union Privilege provides strength in the marketplace. We deliver the best benefits through the collective buying power of over 13 million AFL-CIO union members. And we do so without using union member dues. http://www.unionpriv.org/benefits/custom.cfm
Get email updates about Union Plus special offers and new programs now.